Thursday 23 May 2013

Investment in integrated townships

With every city expanding its footprints, the buzz over investing in new growth corridors becomes louder. But would these new locations offer the same investment prospects in terms of real estate as the main city? Those looking to get higher returns on growth corridors may consider making an initial investment in integrated townships “Delhi NCR  is  doing well since demand for both housing and commercial space is expected to rise in view of better job opportunities in these areas. Moreover, population is also pushing real estate activity in new areas around these cities.City is already saturated the outward movement is a better option compared to congested vertical growth which puts a lot of pressure on already strained infrastructure and services. Infrastructure in Delhi NCR and its peripheral areas score over their proximity to the airport and existence of several IT companies that draw non resident Indians and high net worth individuals, he adds. He feels that the current stable market of Delhi NCR will definitely move upwards after a couple of months. “Residential properties are definitely a better option.

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